Stichting Pensioenfonds Medisch Specialisten extends contract with APG

Published on: 15 February 2016

With invested assets of €9 billion, SPMS is one of the 20 leading pension funds in the Netherlands. The pension fund has been affiliated to APG since 2011. APG administrates pension rights, collects contributions and makes pension payments on behalf of SPMS. APG is also responsible for communication with SPMS’ participants. Finally, APG advises the board of SPMS on communication, legal and actuarial matters.


Micon Bijl, cardiologist and chairman of the SPMS board: “SPMS is satisfied with the services provided by APG. Everything that we, as an occupational pension fund, laid down as a condition for a possible contract extension have been met. The board has therefore decided to extend the contract with APG until January 1, 2021.”


Mark Boerekamp, Chief Operations Officer at APG: “We have worked hard during the past few years to integrate the pension administration and bring the standard of services to the required quality level for SPMS. We are proud that SPMS is confirming its trust in APG and its workforce through this contract extension.”