A European Track & Trace Pension Platform

Published on: 19 February 2019

Working abroad means that often you build up pension in that country. Which doesn’t make it easier to get a clear overview of what you have built up where.


If it is up to the European Union, a European pension platform offers a solution. An international consortium of experienced pension providers, including APG, is working with the EU on the creation of such an European pension platform. Call it a Track & Trace of your pension. 


The consortium and the EU already started in 2013 with the basis development of the concept. Now the project team is ready for the next phase: a pilot in which the existing website www.FindyourPension.eu will be expanded step by step. Generic pension information will be offered from several European countries. How is pension arranged in, for example, Germany or Belgium? The website will also be a starting point for people to get help in tracing their pension in at least five European member states. During the pilot the technical basis for the European track & trace functionalities will be set up as well. The ultimate goal is to connect as many European pension parties as possible.